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About Itzcik Weinstein

Mr. Itzcik Weinstein, President of Weinstein Construction Company. Itzcik Weinstein is a local Los Angeleno, a homeowner, a husband, father, and a general contractor. Serving the Los Angeles community for more than 40 years, Itzcik and his team bring a unique commitment to every job, leveraging many decades of knowledge, experience, and a “can do” attitude to meet every client’s needs.
11 September

What will happen to Los Angelenos when “The Big One” hits?


In the last few blogs, we tried to explain how recent earthquakes tripled the likelihood of a large rumbler happening on our nearby San Andreas Fault.  Today we’d like to describe what will likely happen to Los Angelinos if the earthquake that we all have been waiting for, the one we call, “The Big One”, were to happen a year, a week, or in a [...]

What will happen to Los Angelenos when “The Big One” hits?2021-03-14T13:12:57-07:00
21 August

Do you have an emergency preparedness earthquake kit? If not you should definitely put one together!


In the last two blogs, we described how the recent July 30th 4.2-magnitude earthquake and its aftershocks gave us all a stark reminder of just how dangerous our Los Angeles “neighborhood” really is.  We also explained how last year’s Ridgecrest, CA earthquake tripled the likelihood of a large rumbler on the San Andreas Fault, which is just 35 miles away from downtown Los Angeles.  Today [...]

Do you have an emergency preparedness earthquake kit? If not you should definitely put one together!2021-03-14T13:09:45-07:00
31 July

As another earthquake hits Los Angeles, do you know of your home is ready to handle the next “Big One”?


A magnitude 4.2 earthquake hits Los Angeles area Thursday, July 30th. The magnitude 4.2 earthquake centered near San Fernando struck at 4:29 am. Then aftershocks continued with a 3.3 quake at 4:38 and a 3.8 quake at 6:48. Just two weeks ago on this blog, we described how a new study published earlier this month explained that last year’s Ridgecrest, CA earthquake brought the Garlock [...]

As another earthquake hits Los Angeles, do you know of your home is ready to handle the next “Big One”?2020-09-10T12:01:52-07:00
29 July

Is Your Home’s Crawlspace Costing You Money, Damaging Your Property, And Creating A Health Hazard For Your Family?


As a homeowner, have you ever given thought to the fact that the crawlspace under your home may be costing you extra money, damaging your property, and creating a health hazard for you and your family?  It’s likely that you can’t even remember the last time you’ve considered yourhome’s crawlspace or whether you need basement waterproofing, but this is something you need to think about, if you [...]

Is Your Home’s Crawlspace Costing You Money, Damaging Your Property, And Creating A Health Hazard For Your Family?2021-03-14T13:06:00-07:00
17 July

New evidence shows that last year’s Ridgecrest earthquakes may have tripled the chance of a large earthquake along the San Andreas fault!


Homeowners and owners of commercial properties often think that they have “plenty of time” to prepare their buildings for a big earthquake, but a recent study shows that time for preparing for the “Next Big One” may be running out. A new study published on July 13, 2020 in the Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, states that the chance of a big San [...]

New evidence shows that last year’s Ridgecrest earthquakes may have tripled the chance of a large earthquake along the San Andreas fault!2021-03-14T13:02:20-07:00
2 July

How can commercial property owners prepare for an earthquake?


It is important for commercial property owners to seismically retrofit their buildings and take additional steps to protect the health and safety of their tenants and residents. Owners and managers of commercial properties often only become aware of their responsibility to ensure that their buildings can withstand an earthquake and comply with city buildings codes when they receive an order from the city to begin [...]

How can commercial property owners prepare for an earthquake?2021-04-27T05:53:53-07:00
1 March

All you need to know about the Earthquake Brace + Bolt


When it comes to investing your hard-earned cash, you can't go wrong by putting it in your home. Not only do our homes protect our loved ones, but owning property is one of the most lucrative business projects you can do. In order to keep your Los Angeles County home safe from the elements, including unforeseeable storms and seismic activity, one essential step is to [...]

All you need to know about the Earthquake Brace + Bolt2020-07-29T16:24:46-07:00
27 February

When should you be concerned about home foundation cracks?


If left unchecked, home foundation cracks can cause structural damage and be expensive to fix. Discovering a crack in the foundation of your home can be unsettling. You may wonder if the crack is an indication of further damage. Luckily, not all cracks are the same and there are some simple guidelines to help you judge. Looking at a foundation crack can tell you a lot about potential [...]

When should you be concerned about home foundation cracks?2020-09-22T00:27:19-07:00
20 February

Earthquake Retrofitting Los Angeles


What is Earthquake Retrofitting? Earthquake retrofitting Los Angeles buildings involves securing each structure to its foundation to prevent displacement and structural damage during an earthquake. Many buildings in Los Angeles built before 1980 weren't constructed to adequately withstand seismic movement. As a result, these older buildings are more susceptible to structural damage during an earthquake.  Luckily, major structural damage can be avoided. Earthquake retrofitting makes properties [...]

Earthquake Retrofitting Los Angeles2020-09-29T23:41:11-07:00
2 August

How to Keep Your Crawl Space Clean and Moisture Free


"Cleanliness is next to godliness." -- Hebrew proverb Crawl Space Cleaning Tips Keeping your home's crawl space clean is good for you and your family’s health. Dirt, mold and pest droppings from a dirty crawl space get into the home’s air, especially if you have ductwork running through it. Hiring a pro for crawl space cleaning is a good move if you've got moisture buildup, [...]

How to Keep Your Crawl Space Clean and Moisture Free2020-10-06T23:48:06-07:00
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