

(888) 412-8363

About Weinstein Construction

Weinstein Construction Corporation is a family-owned business located right in the heart of “Earthquake Country,” the San Fernando Valley! Our company was established in 1977 by its owner and president, Itzcik Weinstein, who himself is a local homeowner, as well as husband, father, and a general contractor to residents of the greater Los Angeles region. Itzcik and his team bring a unique commitment to every job, leveraging their many decades of knowledge, experience, and a “can do” attitude to meet every client’s needs. No job is too small, and we will always offer you the best possible solution at a fair price!
4 July

Top-10 Fun Q&A’s About Your Home’s Crawl Space and Basement!


What is a crawl space? A crawl space is a shallow, unfinished space beneath the first floor of a home, or under the roof of a structure.  The crawl space typically provides access to plumbing or wiring. Why is my home’s crawl space so humid? When a home’s crawl space is vented and has exposed soil, groundwater and rainwater seeps into the soil, continuously releasing [...]

Top-10 Fun Q&A’s About Your Home’s Crawl Space and Basement!2021-06-21T10:26:00-07:00
28 June

Myths and Facts about Foundation Cracks Repair and Replacement!


When it comes to foundation cracks repair and foundation replacement in Los Angeles, it’s important to separate fact from fiction!   Let’s start! (1) Foundation problems are not common in Los Angeles Oh no, this is definitely a myth that we need to bust right now!  Homes in Los Angeles typically have foundations that are built on soft clay soil that expands during our rainy season [...]

Myths and Facts about Foundation Cracks Repair and Replacement!2021-06-21T10:16:39-07:00
21 June

What should I do about Efflorescence in Crawl Space / Basement Walls?


What is Efflorescence? At Weinstein Construction, we get many calls every month from homeowners who are disturbed to find weird and ugly stains that ooze, flake, and peel off their unfinished basement walls or grow inside the surfaces of their crawl spaces.  The worry, of course, is whether or not these “petri dish” stains are harmful mold and mildew that destroy air quality and bring [...]

What should I do about Efflorescence in Crawl Space / Basement Walls?2021-06-21T10:02:08-07:00
10 June

Modern caissons technology can save your property when an earthquake hits!


What are caissons? Caissons and caisson shoring are a type of deep foundation that is used to protect and support a home or commercial building.  Caissons are incredibly important in the construction of buildings in the Greater Los Angeles area, which is known for violent earthquakes.  In Los Angeles, even moderate seismic activity can literally toss a structure off its foundation, and this is why [...]

Modern caissons technology can save your property when an earthquake hits!2021-06-01T16:34:38-07:00
7 June

Homeowners discover that foundation repair costs can be quite economical!


Are foundation failures common? So many of Weinstein Construction’s clients find themselves in front of their computers Googling, “foundation repair near me” because they have just found out that their foundation has an issue that must be addressed.  Sadly, foundation failures are a common occurrence, especially in the Los Angeles area, where the unique soil we build our homes on makes foundations vulnerable to subsidence [...]

Homeowners discover that foundation repair costs can be quite economical!2021-06-01T16:26:07-07:00
2 June

The importance of the City of Los Angeles Housing and Community Investment Department (“HCIDLA”)


In some of our previous blogs (see links at the end of this page) we discussed the requirements of the City of Los Angeles’ Soft Story Retrofit Program and the function of the City of Los Angeles Department of Building and Safety (“LADBS”).  In this blog we discuss the important role of the City’s Housing and Community Investment Department (“HCIDLA”). The Role of the HCIDLA [...]

The importance of the City of Los Angeles Housing and Community Investment Department (“HCIDLA”)2021-05-27T07:19:09-07:00
27 May

The important function of the City of Los Angeles Department of Building and Safety (“LADBS”)


In some of our previous blogs (see links at the end of this page) we discussed the requirements of the City of Los Angeles’ Soft Story Retrofit Program, which identified buildings vulnerable to structural failure both during and after an earthquake.  In this new blog, we discuss the important function of the City of Los Angeles Department of Building and Safety (“LADBS”), which administers compliance [...]

The important function of the City of Los Angeles Department of Building and Safety (“LADBS”)2021-05-27T07:13:38-07:00
12 May

Soft Story Retrofitting Project Lead and Asbestos Testing, Structural Observations, and Cost Recovery.


In our previous blog in the series on Soft Story retrofitting, we discussed how the owner/landlord of a Soft Story building hires a structural and/or soil engineer and a construction firm to carry out a Soft Story retrofitting project.  In other blogs in the series, we also discussed the required steps to comply with the Soft Story Retrofit programs of the City of Los Angeles, [...]

Soft Story Retrofitting Project Lead and Asbestos Testing, Structural Observations, and Cost Recovery.2021-05-13T20:14:29-07:00
29 April

What Does A Soft Story Retrofitting Project Look Like?


In our previous blog, we discussed how the owner/landlord of a Soft Story building hires a structural and/or soil engineer and a construction firm to carry out a Soft Story retrofitting project.  In other, earlier blogs, we also discussed the required steps to comply with the requirements of the City of Los Angeles’ Soft Story Retrofit Program and the Tenant Habitability Program (“THP”) (see links [...]

What Does A Soft Story Retrofitting Project Look Like?2021-04-29T09:18:46-07:00
15 April

Hiring a Structural and/ or Soil Engineer and a Construction Firm for your Soft Story Retrofit Project


In our previous blogs (see links at the end of this page), we discussed the mandatory requirements of the City of Los Angeles’ Soft Story Retrofit Program and the Tenant Habitability Program (“THP”), which requires the owner / landlord of a Soft Story building to mitigate the impact of retrofitting activities on the property’s tenants.   In the blog entry below, we explain how the owner [...]

Hiring a Structural and/ or Soil Engineer and a Construction Firm for your Soft Story Retrofit Project2021-04-15T11:34:42-07:00
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