

(888) 412-8363

About Weinstein Construction

Weinstein Construction Corporation is a family-owned business located right in the heart of “Earthquake Country,” the San Fernando Valley! Our company was established in 1977 by its owner and president, Itzcik Weinstein, who himself is a local homeowner, as well as husband, father, and a general contractor to residents of the greater Los Angeles region. Itzcik and his team bring a unique commitment to every job, leveraging their many decades of knowledge, experience, and a “can do” attitude to meet every client’s needs. No job is too small, and we will always offer you the best possible solution at a fair price!
23 March

City of Los Angeles Department of Building and Safety (LADBS) Mandatory Retrofitting Soft Story Program and the Tenant Habitability Plan (THP)


In some of our previous blogs (see links at the end of this page) we discussed the requirements of the City of Los Angeles’ Soft Story Retrofit Program, which identified buildings vulnerable to structural failure both during and after an earthquake.  In this blog, which is the second in the series on the City’s Soft Story Retrofit Program, we discuss the mandatory requirements of the [...]

City of Los Angeles Department of Building and Safety (LADBS) Mandatory Retrofitting Soft Story Program and the Tenant Habitability Plan (THP)2021-03-25T13:45:39-07:00
13 March

Los Angeles Mandatory Soft Story Retrofit Program


LOS ANGELES DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING AND SAFETY (“LADBS”) MANDATORY RETROFIT SOFT STORY PROGRAM UNDER ORDINANCE 183893 AND ORDINANCE 184081. In some of our recent blogs (see link at the end of this page) we discussed seismic retrofitting and how commercial property owners can prepare for an earthquake.  We touched briefly on the City of Los Angeles’ Soft Story Retrofit Program, which identified buildings vulnerable to [...]

Los Angeles Mandatory Soft Story Retrofit Program2021-03-13T10:39:36-08:00
1 February

When Was The Last Time You Thought About Your Home’s Foundation


If you are a typical LA homeowner, you never think about your home’s foundation.  In fact, for most homeowners, the first time they pay attention to their home’s foundation is when their floors and walls are cracking, or when they are trying to sell the property and their buyer’s home inspector gives them the bad news that their foundation is damaged! Are foundation failures common? [...]

When Was The Last Time You Thought About Your Home’s Foundation2021-03-14T13:26:11-07:00
18 January

Your Home May Be Slowly Sinking And Tearing Apart!


For most homeowners, their home is their most valuable investment. And yet so few homeowners are aware that their LA-built homes are constructed on shifting soil that doesn’t fare well under frequent earthquake activity. It is imperative that LA homeowners remain vigilant and have a periodic, professional evaluation of their home to determine whether or not this most valuable property is in fact sinking or [...]

Your Home May Be Slowly Sinking And Tearing Apart!2021-03-14T13:29:58-07:00
9 January

Damaged Home Foundations Are Seriously Dangerous


As a homeowner in the greater Los Angeles area, you may already be aware that the soil composition in our region, our alternating rainy-then-dry seasons, as well as our frequent earthquakes, often lead to serious structural problems in a home’s foundation.  Moreover, foundations of older homes are especially vulnerable to moisture, soil settlement, and seismic activity and can threaten the structure’s stability and in turn, [...]

Damaged Home Foundations Are Seriously Dangerous2021-01-09T13:17:55-08:00
15 December

If your home was built in the 1950s or earlier – you should definitely read this blog


Homes sit on top of foundations! The concept of building a home on top of a foundation has not changed in 100 or more years.  In fact, most homes in Los Angeles have been built on foundations whose job it is to keep the home safe from harm when a natural disaster hits, for example a flood, landslide, or earthquake. Modern foundations are made out [...]

If your home was built in the 1950s or earlier – you should definitely read this blog2021-03-14T13:17:49-07:00
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