In the last two blogs, we described how the recent July 30th 4.2-magnitude earthquake and its aftershocks gave us all a stark reminder of just how dangerous our Los Angeles “neighborhood” really is. 

We also explained how last year’s Ridgecrest, CA earthquake tripled the likelihood of a large rumbler on the San Andreas Fault, which is just 35 miles away from downtown Los Angeles.  Today we’d like to remind all our clients and friends of the importance of having a basic earthquake emergency kit – it can save lives!

When an earthquake hits, it does so with tremendous force and typically one has no more than a few seconds to realize what is happening, “get over” the initial shock, and spring into action.  In those few moments, it’s crucial for every Los Angelino to be able to grab his or her basic emergency supply kit and head to a safe area to shelter in place. 

It is up to every one of us to put together such a supply kit, store it in an air-tight plastic bin or bag, and place it in an area where it is easy to grab during an emergency.  Here’s what should be in such a bag, at a minimum:


  • A gallon of water per day, per person, for a minimum of three days.
  • A three-day supply of non-perishable food for you and your pets (think cans and a can opener!)
  • A robust first-aid kit, along with your medications (including pain relievers, antidiarrheals, antacids, etc.)
  • A flashlight with extra batteries, a hand-cranked radio, and extra batteries for your cell phone.
  • A change of clothing per person.
  • Extra pair of glasses / contact lenses, with lens solution.
  • A good whistle in case you need to alert others.
  • Matches in a waterproof container.
  • Feminine supplies and personal hygiene items.
  • Extra masks and hand-sanitizers.
  • Important documents: IDs, insurance policies, bank records, and other family records.
  • A wrench/pliers to turn off utilities, if needed (e.g., gas).
  • A good paper map of your area.
  • Activities for young children

Moreover, every family should designate, ahead of time, a central meeting point where family and friends can gather after the immediate emergency has passed.  This will help ensure that all can be taken care of in the days following the earthquake. 

Finally, don’t forget you also need to inspect and refresh your emergency kit every few months, keeping canned foods, medications, and water in good condition, and replacing expired items frequently!  Having such an emergency kit will keep you and your loved ones safe during the next “Big One!” 

Where can I get some help?

The specialists at Weinstein Construction are experts at seismic retrofitting and can help with all your earthquake retrofitting Los Angeles work, from start to finish.  We are also experts at house leveling, French drainage installation, basement waterproofing, and foundation cracks repair.

If you think that your home or commercial property may require soft story retrofitting Los Angeles work, call Angela today at (800) 862-6582 to schedule a no obligation, free inspection and estimate.  Be prepared and have peace of mind when the next “Big One” hits! 

Adapted from, “California earthquake: How to make your own emergency kit before the Big One hits,” The Mercury News, July 6, 2019.