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Foundation Repair

Home:Home/Foundation Repair
Foundation Repair2021-04-06T08:39:47-07:00
  • home foundation cracks
  • repair foundation cracks
  • house foundation cracks
  • repair foundation cracks


  • Cracked interior walls
  • Basement leaks
  • Cracks in ceilings, floor or floor tiles
  • Visible exterior cracks
  • Uneven and/or sloping floors
  • Sticky doors and windows or cracks in window frames
  • Squeaking floors or
  • Cracked fireplace chimney and/or mantle.


  • Foundation cracks repair
  • Basement foundation waterproofing
  • Leaky basement repair
  • Basement waterproofing
  • Basement wall crack repair
  • Basement wall sealing
  • Basement wall cracks repair


If you are asking, “are there foundation repair companies near me?” or “are there foundation specialists near me?” then the answer is YES and you are reading the right page! The professionals at Weinstein Construction have been building, repairing, and waterproofing foundations in the Los Angeles area for over 40 years. We understand that the stability and structure of your home is extremely important and we know that every home and every foundation is unique. We are able to diagnose every type of crack in a foundation and can offer you an affordable repair plan, personalized to your home!

The cost of foundation cracks repair and basement waterproofing doesn’t have to be expensive! We offer free, no-obligation inspections and assessments that don’t just diagnose symptoms, but rather truly get to the root cause of your home’s structural problems. From foundation repair and replacement to waterproofing a basement wall, we can do it all for you!

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    Schedule a Free Inspection!


    As homeowners in the Los Angeles region know all too well, soil composition and frequent earthquakes can lead to endless foundation and structural problems. It’s important to fix quickly foundation cracks and undertake basement wall cracks repair because even minor subsequent earthquakes and soil erosion can cause small issues to become major structural problems — in a hurry.

    Strong pier support is crucial for homes with raised foundations. Each footing holds up a side of the home but offers minimal support towards the center of the home. Moreover, weakened pier support may sink or even cause a home’s center to crack. Using wood posts, Weinstein Construction’s foundation repair contractors can attach beams to your concrete piers and securely position them into the ground.

    When the problem isn’t your foundation, sunken concrete slabs around your property can cause cracks and tripping hazards. Not only does sinking concrete create hazard to your property for visitors, it also does not look particularly appealing. Weinstein Construction can use the PolyLevel technique to conduct concrete lifting and leveling services to fix your patio, sidewalk, driveway, pool deck, garage, warehouse floor, and even airport runway!

    PolyLevel is a polyurethane foam that is injected under a concrete slab into the floor. This powerful foam extends and lifts concrete back to its initial place. PolyLevel is lightweight and environmentally friendly, so no complications will be created down the line!

    We can also assist with other types of concrete repairs, including seawall and bulkhead repair, along with our commercial foundation repair and concrete lifting services.

    Los Angeles home foundation repair contractors


    Once Weinstein Construction’s foundation repair experts determine that replacing your foundation is the right strategy, the following is a general outline of the techniques we can employ on your behalf. Keep in mind that variations are possible, as each home presents a unique set of challenges to be addressed.

    • First, we will make sure no further damage can take place. We stop gaps in the floor from spreading, fix cracks to walls and ceilings, and undertake basement waterproofing.
    • If it is necessary to lift the house entirely off of the existing foundation, we can do so. However, lifting a foundation is not always required. The structure may need to be elevated so that its burden can be transferred to temporary shoring. Doing so helps ensure that a damaged foundation is no longer bearing weight it cannot sustain.
    • Next, we will remove the existing foundation. A comparatively easy task, as many older foundations have not been reinforced with steel.
    • Then, we excavate a trench beneath the house to allow for new footing to be made. The depth of this footing can rely upon the scale of the house and the weight of the materials used in its construction.
    • At this point, fresh concrete is poured and a new foundation is constructed and is allowed time to dry and “cure” before it is ready to be used.
    • Finally, we will use newly-treated lumber as the circumstances dictate, to allow for firm anchoring material for the foundation bolts.


    Each side of a house is held to the ground using footing. Concrete pads under such footing refers to the concrete that is poured beneath the footing of the foundation that is already in the dirt. Because water seeps into the dirt, it can add to the wear and tear that every house endures over time. As a result, the footing can start to lose its grasp of the foundation and can slowly shift, breaking apart over time. Maintaining strong concrete pads under a home’s footing is the ultimate protection for the structure’s foundation when it comes to foundation health in “Earthquake Country.”

    underpinning foundation repair


    Sister Wall foundations require the use of skilled professionals and advanced techniques, and Weinstein Construction is uniquely qualified to offer this service because of our experience and technical knowledge. A Sister Wall foundation is a new wall built alongside of an already existing foundation that is failing or needs additional support. Concrete is filled into constructed steel and wall, leaving a safe and secure foundation.

    process of foundation repair


    Foundation walls can become weak over time due to settlement. Underpinning is one of the most common techniques used in foundation repair. In this situation, reinforced steel bars are placed deep into the ground to hold up and secure a home’s retaining walls.

    Foundation underpinning adds support and stabilization. This is important when there have been structural changes from prior natural movement, shifting, settlement, or seismic activity which damaged the structure.

    stabilize foundation


    Damages to your home’s foundation can often be repaired using a variety of industry-standard techniques. However, sometimes a house foundation repair is just not possible. There are times where the deterioration to a home’s foundation is so complete and so dangerous, that the value of required repairs exceeds the cost of replacing the foundation. Causes of such a catastrophic scenario range from strong seismic activity to landslides or flooding that may cause a sudden erosion of the soil under the foundation. In other words, in some cases, a foundation simply cannot be repaired.

    Warning signs to watch out for as you consider basement leak repair, basement wall repair, or concrete foundation repair:

    • Sloping or droopy floors
    • Visible ceilings cracks
    • Gaps showing between walls and floors
    • Walls that lean or bow
    • Floor cracks showing

    In some situations, a home’s foundation has sustained severe damage and can’t be adequately or cost-effectively repaired. In those cases, replacing the entire foundation is the only way to maintain the strength and sturdiness of a home.

    Occasionally, incompetent engineering by foundation companies, shoddy original building practices, or the use of substandard materials can provide the “fatal flaw” that damages a home’s foundation. Fortunately, helping owners diagnose and resolve such issues is where the talented professionals at Weinstein Construction come in! We have the competencies and experience to help you take care of all your foundation needs. We understand foundation repair and replacement and we bring the right tools and methodologies to do the job right, at a reasonable cost!


    Weinstein Construction is committed to offering foundation services that exceed expectations and safeguard your property. We are the leader in contractor foundation repair and offer basement waterproofing, basement wall sealing, leaky basement repair, and basement wall cracks repair using best-in-class products. Repairing foundation cracks or waterproofing a basement wall can be quite an involved process and so make sure your contractor foundation repair company offers the latest technology and techniques!

    Before you start searching for, “what company does home foundation repair near me” or “pier and beam foundation repair near me”, just call Weinstein Construction! Our waterproofing and foundation repair specialists will guide you through every step of the process and will remain committed to finding you a lasting solution, no matter how big or small the problem may seem.

    Common examples of foundation damage include:

    • Poorly compacted soil base, causing the foundation to sink or shear
    • Large and excessive range of cracks that build over time
    • Unusual, substandard, or unsound building materials employed in the original construction (e.g., cheap, low-quality concrete)
    • Not allowing the foundation to “cure” for the right period of time, leaving it in a porous and unstable state
    • Voids or hollow spots that develop within the foundation
    • Extended exposure to water, humidity, or frost
    • An interrupted concrete pour which makes an unintentional “joint” within the concrete and
    • Using materials such as brick, stone, or un-strengthened masonry.

    Keep in mind, some forms of damage and deterioration aren’t visible to the eye! This means there’s very little chance you can detect such damage on your own, without a methodical inspection by a licensed professional. Fortunately, you have Weinstein Construction’s skilled foundation repair contractors to help! All of our professionals are specially trained and experienced in waterproofing and foundation repair and will be able to provide you with your foundation’s “health report.” If repair is required, we will make sure you get the high-quality result that your home’s foundation deserves. Always for a reasonable price!

    concrete foundation crack

    Fixing foundation cracks sooner, rather than later, will maintain your property’s integrity. When the time comes to sell, nobody wants to purchase a property with structural problems or a home that requires a leaky basement repair!   Weinstein Construction’s foundation repair specialists can provide you with a permanent solution for your home.  Give us a call and receive a free, no-obligation inspection of your home’s foundation!


    Does my home’s foundation need to be repaired?2021-03-25T13:32:33-07:00

    If your home was built before 1970, then the answer is YES. There are a variety of different signs that your foundation needs repair. One of the most common signs is if you have cracks in your walls or ceilings. As well as squeaky floors when you are walking around. Cracked concrete floors are another major sign that your foundation is in need of repair. There are other problems that may not be even more serious, but can not be seen as easily. If you have any doubts about the stability of your home, do not wait! If you are not sure if you need a foundation repair, we will come to you for a FREE inspection. If there is a problem, we will find it!

    Is Foundation Repair Expensive?2021-03-25T13:32:36-07:00

    We offer a variety of effective methods at different price ranges in order to fit every property owner’s needs. You can take a look above at some of our different service types, so that you can properly assess which method may be right for you. Many property owners are quick to make repairs on their own because we do not always realize the severity of the problem and of course we are always looking to save a few bucks. However, foundation repair is not something that you want to take any shortcuts with. The subsequent damage that can occur from not having your foundation repaired in a timely manner can be extremely costly. In some cases, the damage can be so bad your property is irreparable and can cause your entire investment to crumble. Having your foundation repaired is only a small fraction of what the subsequent damage can wind up costing you.

    How much does it cost for a Foundation Repair?2021-03-24T23:50:54-07:00

    A faulty foundation can cause an enormous amount of damage to your home. The cost of repairing this damage can be very pricey and in some cases, it may not be possible to repair. The price of a foundation repair is only a small fraction of what it can cost to fix the damage. When you buy a foundation repair, you are not just paying to protect your home, but you are protecting the lives of everyone that lives there. There is no price tag you can put on human life because it is priceless.

    How long will it take to repair my foundation?2021-03-24T23:51:24-07:00

    In most cases, we can repair your foundation in 3-5 days. Some jobs may take longer depending on the work that needs to be done. We will let you know how long the job will take before we begin. We know how important your time is. We try to complete every job as fast as possible, without taking away quality.


    Weinstein Construction redid my foundation and retaining wall and I’m very happy with the work!

    Mr. Allen
    Donald Borg Weinstein Construction Review

    We had our basement retrofitted. Very courteous to us, very attentive. I was very impressed with the people who came to do the job. They were polite, well dressed, and really seemed to know what they were doing. We feel a lot safer now than we would have otherwise.

    Donald Borg

    We had used Weinstein to earthquake retrofit our house. First, my intention was to do it myself, but we got a very nice sales rep over and he went through the whole procedure and by putting a thought into I concluded that it was not worth it for me to spend 14 days under the house. They came out, a top professional crew, they did it in a day, and we really loved what they did.

    Yorkin Schwar

    We are pleased with the results. The people were on time, they were neat, clean, and even the “big boss” was very nice and accommodating, so we’re happy with the services.

    Tom and Judy Fogle

    I was very happy. Very clean job. Very satisfied, and I recommend it to everybody.

    Eddie Levin

    We had our house retrofitted. Immediately we noticed the stability of it, even when we walked the house. Now it’s so much better and it’s stabilized, we’re very confident. It went very well and we’re very pleased.

    The Reverend Jess Palmer

    They did a great job, they were on time, clean, and the price was right. I recommend you do the same.

    Rabbi Lipskier

    House was built in 1933. They did the right job, they did a very good job and we’re very happy with the results. I recommend them.

    Michael Ingbar
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